dare to dreams

This is me and I am standing here for all of my dreams
you know what? No deep thinking. Just do what you can do.
Keep running, keep fighting, give ur best !
and every dream would be crossed out from ur dreams list

my dreams are not about a whole mine, and transformer the3rd is belong to my list

helloo! this awesome country is one of the reason I'v stayed. and We've been fighting for this :)
 I wanna present for my self the gift for my 21th birthday : KHATAM AL QURAN (ahh udah 20 tahun tapi baru khatam 5 kali, jadi rata2 mengkhatamkan Quran yaitu 4tahun sekali. Sedihnyooo :( )
Yeah still fighting to get that score

its not impulsive, it just dream, my dream!

So, wanna fight ? YOU GO SELFI yeeeah :)


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